Saturday, April 30, 2011

Say NO to animal abuse! >:)

Hey everybody!

This week’s theme will be about animal rights. I am excited to write about this topic because I am an animal lover. I care for them.  Not like an animal freak or something, but I really do love them and they did not deserve to be treated like how humans are treating them now.  It is unfair for them because they have no power to defend themselves. Powerless. Some of them are still fighting to be remain in this world, but sadly, some extinct already. 

Now, many people do realize this. But what do they do? NOTHING.  They were pointing fingers at each other so they will not take the responsibility. But thank God! Some organizations were there to help those poor animals. Organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund), SSPCA (Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and many more. They are trying their best to fight their rights for the animals.
Nowadays, I bet all of you have heard about the cruelty of animals. We’ve seen people caging up their pets, torturing them just for the fun of it, fashion, neglect them, mistreated and abandoned them. UNFAIR.  Sometimes I do question myself. Do they even have feelings?!  Like what were they thinking man?  These animals never did anything to harm them. They were innocent! What if, some aliens were about to invade our world and keeps us humans as pets, and do you want to be treated like that? NO WAY.  ):<

I’ve had a friend.  He was given a puppy by his friends for his birthday.  He was delighted and happy about his new pet.  But he was a busy guy. He was always busy with his friends, sports, studies and many more.  For the first few days, he was so keen about his pet. He feed his pet on time, always refilling his water from drying up, walk him, bathe it and played with it. The puppy was treated like a king.  But several weeks later, he got bored of his puppy.  He started to neglect his puppy. He forgot to feed him, bathe him or even refilling his water. Poor puppy began to cry and was stuck in the cage. He was cold, hungry and thirsty. Now, when a puppy cry obviously something could be wrong. It could be sick or wants something. He needed your attention. DUH. Babies cry when they needed something. No need a vet to tell you.  But my so called friend was annoyed by it. He hit him, cursed him and sometimes ignored the poor puppy.  And what could the poor puppy do? He couldn’t talk, he couldn’t escape, he just, well stuck in cage and counting his last few days. For God’s sake, this puppy were still a few month old! But my friend’s roommate noticed this. He knows that this is a sign of abusing the poor puppy. So one day, he decided to report him to the SSPCA.  He gave the puppy food and water and brought him to the vet. The puppy was injured and he was too weak to do anything.  Everyone was so sad to hear about the news. And my friend finally came to his senses and felt guilty. But he was too late! He was fined and were punished by the law of animal’s right.  Serve him right! He was being inhuman. Crazy! :S

So I hope humans will stop to be someone like him. Not a major animal abuse thing, but still, it was horrible. And the poor pet suffered the painful consequence for nothing.  If you considered about adopting or buying a pet, please, please make sure that you are responsible enough to take good care of them. Give them unconditional love and care. Treat them with a little bit of respect. Treat them like your babies! (:
And if you came across to someone like my inhuman friend, please do not hesitate do report them to the authorities!

I guess that is all for this post. Stay tuned for the 2nd one! :D And say NO to abusing animal rights!

Before i end this, i would to share this video with you.  I hope after watching this, we can do something about it. Thats all. See you (:

P.s- Pictures are taken from google and videos are taken from YouTube. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Damai Beach Resort and Spa.

Hello again! :D Have you ever felt so stressed out and tired from your busy life that you just need a break? Going to the beach will be one of the best ideas to do so. Why not? There are so many pleasures of going to the beach. Okay, close your eyes and imagine this. You are now walking by the beach on the soft sand, you can hear the sound of the waves roaring their way, and you can see the beautiful sunset and the feel the coldness of the salty sea water and enjoying the breath of the fresh air? Ahhh, how calm and breathtaking!

Okay, so now I am going to boast about one of the best beaches in Malaysia which is Damai Beach! It is situated in Kuching, Sarawak. ( My hometown! :D)I miss going to Damai so much! I remembered that every end of the year, after our exams, my friends and I will always plan to go to the beach to release our school’s stress. We were always exited and looking forward towards it. There are so many things to do there!

The first thing we do after we set foot in Damai is dumping our bags in our room, quickly get ready and run towards the beach. So much fun! Once we reach the beach, we will play and splash each other with the sea water. Then, we will take tons and tons of pictures which will then flooded up the whole Facebook album. And after that, we will play volleyball till we get tired. But then, we still can’t get enough of the beach so we decided to swim in the pool till we were fatigue and our energy level were zero. But anyways, besides the pools and the beach, Damai had so many other facilities such as spa, water sports such as banana boat, kayaks, bay fishing and many more, 2 tennis court, gym, kids village with daily organized activities, golf, BBQ pit and a lot more! Unbelievable! They have so much to offer!

And if you were hungry and you are searching fresh seafood to dig in, you can drive up to one of the popular seafood spot in Kuching which is about only ten minute drive from Damai? The food there is as fresh as it gets which is obviously straight from the sea. Lim Hock Ann seafood is the most longest and popular one in Buntal. There is a lot of seafood available there such as crabs, prawns, lobsters, squid and oyster! Their place is also special as it can get due to their seat arrangements. They have this special corner where they built platform above the sea. Imagine the waves lapping below your feet while you were eating. How awesome is that? :D And one of the best dishes there would be the Butter Prawn. It is a pure caramelized butter, so basically it tasted like heaven once they enter your mouth. Yummeeh! :D

Okay, so I talked about the place and the facilities. Now it’s time to show you a little bit more pictures of my friends and I during Damai last year.

I am so going back to Damai once i return to my hometown during mid-term break! And you can consider visiting Damai. It is worth your experience there. No regrets! I am going to stop typing now. Goodnight everyone and have a good sleep! See you tomorrow! :)

Friday, April 22, 2011


Hey all! I am sure all of you know how AWESOME New York is. It can be considered as one of the best place to go. You might not want to come back after visiting there ;) I had never been to New York yet but I’ve decided to write about it simply because New York is just plain awesome! I mean, who would never want to be at New York? New York is one of the biggest states in the US and you have to love everything there. What is there to love about New York? Simple, EVERYTHING! :D

New York is also known as the city that never sleeps. Take a look at one of the city’s most sociable and busy place, Time Square. It is known for its many Broadway theatres, cinemas and super signs. At the end of the 19th century, New York City had expanded up to 42nd street and the area has become the center of the city’s social scene. One of the famous events in Time Square is the amazing New Year Eve countdown. Every year on December 31st, before the clock strikes midnight, millions gathered around the Time Square filled with anticipation to celebrate the joyous occasion. It has become more than just a celebration, it’s a global tradition! I wouldn’t want to miss such occasion.

Time Square

New Year Eve at Time Square

I have heard and read about New York’s or should I say the one of the world’s most popular parks which is the Central Park. I’ve seen them in movies too. Central Park is one of those places that make New York to be such a great place to live and love. The huge park, which is about 843 acres large (imagine that!) is located in the center of Manhattan. Let me tell you how cool the park is! It has several lakes, theaters, ice rinks, fountains, tennis courts, baseball fields, many many playgrounds and other facilities you can never think of! It is great place for you to relax your mind, spend time with family and friends and also enjoy. What more can you ask for?

Central Park's Fountain

Okay, if Time Square or Central Park doesn’t tempt you enough to see New York as one of the best destination, then let me tell you about their Fifth Avenue! Sounds familiar? Well of course it does! It is one of New York’s best known unrivaled shopping streets! Almost any famous, upscale, branded store has a prestigious store located at this street. It is also known as one of the world’s most expensive street. Who wouldn’t want to step foot at the world’s most expensive street? :D Besides that, it will be the worst nightmare that ever comes true for all shopaholics out there. You can shop till you drop here, at the fifth avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed! Kids also can enjoy here at the fifth avenue because it is very hard to miss their amazing displays at FAO Schwartz, the largest toy store in the world.

I had only written three spectacular places in New York when there is like a thousand more! But time is running out, so I guess I will stop here. I hope my post about New York will make you consider visiting. It is worth every bit of your money. I am not promoting or anything, but I think it will be really cool, if you had decided visiting there! See you in the next post! :D

P.s - Pictures taken from Google.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Just Go with It!

Hey all! :D

Happy weekends! Ahhh… how I love weekends. No need to wake up early for class, procrastinate, relax, enjoy and whatever you can think of. My weekends started great! (except for the part where we had to wait for the bus because taxi fares are super expensive!) So! Yesterday, I went to IOI mall with my two buddies, Karmen and Joanna to watch two awesome movies which is Just Go with It and Source Code. For those of you who haven’t watched it, I highly recommend all of you to watch it. It is worth it i say! :D

Staring Adam Sandler and Jenifer Aniston

Staring Jack Gylenhall and Michelle Monaghan

After that, at night, Karmen, Joanna and I were invited to this event called the Glam Tour by Yuberactive. What is Yuberactive you might ask? Well according to their Facebook page, Yuberactive is a platform that allows you to gain experience and be rewarded for helping leading brands to connect and communicate better with young people. So last night, they organized and event called the Glam Tour and held a beauty contest. One of our friends, Tang Ching Huei was one of the contestants. The ticket cost RM15 each with food provided at Temptations. If I am not mistaken, the foods were prepared by Taylor’s culinary students. It was not bad. They served food like fried rice, fried chicken, mussels, ‘kuih tempatan’ and many more. Go tryyy! :D

Joanna, Karmen and I


The Food

After dinner, they introduced to us their beauty contestant and they did a little cat walk. I was amazed by one of the model. His name is Victor Kuan. He was really confident and the crowds went wild cheering for him. He did a little dance and that made the crowd’s cheer even louder. One thing that made me surprised by him that he can walk with really high heels. Here I will show you.

Victor Kuan! :D

His awesome-ly high heels

Me and Victor

Next were the performances. They did performances like dancing, singing, beat boxing and more. They were all really cool. I really did enjoy myself there although I was really tired from everything.

And lastly, the moment we had all been waiting for, the results of the competition. Earlier on, the contestants were given a board and the voters are suppose to stick their sticker on which on the one they chose to vote. And my friend Tang Ching Huei got 3rd! Yaaaay! She will be in the cover with the other two winners in some magazine. I forgot what it’s called. And guess who got 1st?





Yupp! Victorr! :D Congrats Victor!

Here are some additional pictures that we took during the night

Faith,me,Ching Huei and Karmen

Faith and I

Three of us again! :D

So i guess i shall stop my post here. Thank you all who are still reading this till the end. I hope i don't bore you that much! I hope all of you have a great weekend and i will see all of you on Monday! :D

The New Experience in Taylors.

Hello everybody! :D

This is my first blog post in here so i shall make it as interesting as possible! I am sure everybody had this experience in life where they came stepping to a new place and felt that everything is different, right? I know i had. Some of you might know that i came from East Malaysia. To be more specific, Kuching, Sarawak. ( And no,we don't live on trees and ride boats to school) So i came stepping out from my comfort zone, also known as my home and came here without my parents. It is tough, knowing that i am on my own now. Every decision is now on me. But this is a part of growing up so i know i have to be strong. The first few days here wasn't easy. I have to adapt and get used to my new life here. But slowly, as the week goes by, i am starting to get used to it and get less homesick.

Then, it was orientation, I still feel really shy and awkward among the many strangers around me. Thank God I had two of my closest friends, Karmen and Joanna with me that time. Although, I get to smile and started to scan few faces around me, I still didn’t get to know them well yet. But then, things got better during the orientation party :D I was really lucky that night because I won the lucky draw which is the Samsung 500GB external hard drives. I also get to meet more new friends during the party when we played the ice breaking game! I felt more loosen up that time. And after that, classes.

Classes started few weeks ago, and i get to know more about my new friends and lecturers in Taylors. I met a lot of new awesome classmates and they are all friendly and nice. There were about 60 people in my class so were separated in two groups for tutorials. I was classified into group 1 and Joanna was in group 2. I was really sad that the both of us were separated but I know that we can’t always be together. At least we can still meet each other during lecture classes! Classes were okay. Get to know more about mind mapping, creative writing, mass communication and many more. Furthermore, I even get to know myself more, for example, about right brain and left brain, human intelligence and more.

Another interesting thing about college is that we get to join clubs and societies. Recently, I joined the music club! And it was fun! I went to the meetings last Monday. We were divided into groups and we had to perform a rock song so we had decided ‘What The Hell’ by Avril Lavinge. We were quite nervous about it but the performance went well. And of course, I met more friends there. So yaaay! :D

Besides music club, I had decided to join the toastmasters club, the get together club and also PAWS. Looking forward to the next meeting soon!

I guess that is all for this post. I am starting to enjoy my college life and I do hope all of you enjoys college life! Cheers to a new life in Taylor’s!