Saturday, April 30, 2011

Say NO to animal abuse! >:)

Hey everybody!

This week’s theme will be about animal rights. I am excited to write about this topic because I am an animal lover. I care for them.  Not like an animal freak or something, but I really do love them and they did not deserve to be treated like how humans are treating them now.  It is unfair for them because they have no power to defend themselves. Powerless. Some of them are still fighting to be remain in this world, but sadly, some extinct already. 

Now, many people do realize this. But what do they do? NOTHING.  They were pointing fingers at each other so they will not take the responsibility. But thank God! Some organizations were there to help those poor animals. Organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund), SSPCA (Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and many more. They are trying their best to fight their rights for the animals.
Nowadays, I bet all of you have heard about the cruelty of animals. We’ve seen people caging up their pets, torturing them just for the fun of it, fashion, neglect them, mistreated and abandoned them. UNFAIR.  Sometimes I do question myself. Do they even have feelings?!  Like what were they thinking man?  These animals never did anything to harm them. They were innocent! What if, some aliens were about to invade our world and keeps us humans as pets, and do you want to be treated like that? NO WAY.  ):<

I’ve had a friend.  He was given a puppy by his friends for his birthday.  He was delighted and happy about his new pet.  But he was a busy guy. He was always busy with his friends, sports, studies and many more.  For the first few days, he was so keen about his pet. He feed his pet on time, always refilling his water from drying up, walk him, bathe it and played with it. The puppy was treated like a king.  But several weeks later, he got bored of his puppy.  He started to neglect his puppy. He forgot to feed him, bathe him or even refilling his water. Poor puppy began to cry and was stuck in the cage. He was cold, hungry and thirsty. Now, when a puppy cry obviously something could be wrong. It could be sick or wants something. He needed your attention. DUH. Babies cry when they needed something. No need a vet to tell you.  But my so called friend was annoyed by it. He hit him, cursed him and sometimes ignored the poor puppy.  And what could the poor puppy do? He couldn’t talk, he couldn’t escape, he just, well stuck in cage and counting his last few days. For God’s sake, this puppy were still a few month old! But my friend’s roommate noticed this. He knows that this is a sign of abusing the poor puppy. So one day, he decided to report him to the SSPCA.  He gave the puppy food and water and brought him to the vet. The puppy was injured and he was too weak to do anything.  Everyone was so sad to hear about the news. And my friend finally came to his senses and felt guilty. But he was too late! He was fined and were punished by the law of animal’s right.  Serve him right! He was being inhuman. Crazy! :S

So I hope humans will stop to be someone like him. Not a major animal abuse thing, but still, it was horrible. And the poor pet suffered the painful consequence for nothing.  If you considered about adopting or buying a pet, please, please make sure that you are responsible enough to take good care of them. Give them unconditional love and care. Treat them with a little bit of respect. Treat them like your babies! (:
And if you came across to someone like my inhuman friend, please do not hesitate do report them to the authorities!

I guess that is all for this post. Stay tuned for the 2nd one! :D And say NO to abusing animal rights!

Before i end this, i would to share this video with you.  I hope after watching this, we can do something about it. Thats all. See you (:

P.s- Pictures are taken from google and videos are taken from YouTube. 

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