Sunday, May 15, 2011

Of beggars, thief and general cleanliness of Malaysia's streets?

Nowadays, along the street we have seen a lot of beggars roaming or sitting by the road side, begging. It is a common sight in Malaysia. They were dressed in indigent clothing and waiting for someone to help them.  They will eat leftovers from people and wouldn’t mind because they were desperate.  Even children were begging along the streets instead of going to school.  I feel for them.  I was always asking myself on what I should do. Give them money or ignore them?  And if I do give them money, won’t that encourage them to do more begging instead of doing something more useful for a living?

I think that giving them money would do more good than harm.  I mean, because it makes them to beg for more and they will they will think by begging, they can get what they want especially children who begs.  And sometimes the parents of the children would think that it is an easy way out since they can just make money instantly, so why bother to go school? Parents will then tend to train their children on ways to beg effectively. And soon they will target certain type of people to beg, like the tourist for instance.  And soon this will make a new generation of “beggars” and soon this will lead to more crime and we are contributing to it!
But what can we do to help them? We feel bad when we ignore them. Maybe, we can buy food for them and their whole family instead of just giving them money. We can encourage them to go school by giving them stationeries and helped them to look for schools or something.  We can do these little things to help and at least make them feel better.

Well, besides the beggars, snatch thief, pickpocket and even robbers are getting more and more in the streets of Malaysia.  So we should be more careful while walking around the streets. Be more alert of your belongings and maybe try to wear less valuable things as possible rather than just lure the robbers to rob you.  Walk in groups rather than just walk alone. We should also avoid cramped and crowded area. If you bumped or feel some jolts, you should immediately check your belongings. It helps (:

Malaysian street’s general cleanliness needs to improve too.  While walking along the streets here, it is common to see rubbish around and people littering.  People care less about the cleanliness here without realizing that it creates a bad image for our country.  The government should do something about this. Maybe they can enforce the law about littering and probably fine anyone who was caught littering like Singapore. This helps discourage Malaysians to litter.

I guess that’s about it about the negative side of Malaysian’s street.  But despite that, Malaysia’s streets are very interesting. I shall explore all the streets here when I have the time to. It will be an interesting adventure to do so. Till then peeps! Happy Holidays!

P.s_ _Pictures are taken from Google

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