Sunday, May 1, 2011

Be their heroes! Save them :)

Second post of the day!

How many of you had eaten turtle eggs illegally before? Does it taste nice? To those of you who had taken turtle eggs before and wish to eat it again, STOP. Stop killing them.  According to WWF , Malaysia, about 422 000 eggs were traded in Terengganu in 2007 which was two times higher than the number of green turtle nestings in this state.  It is a shame. People have no shame of eating as much as they want without thinking that turtles’ population is decreasing. They don’t mind paying high amounts for the eggs just to satisfy their selfish cravings.

I cannot imagine how many turtles eggs were left in Malaysia alone. I don’t want them to extinct.  I am so sad and angry when I heard some of my friends were eating them. They kept telling me it was so nice that they had to get more. Sigh, so evil. Do you know that turtles were so close to extinction that by just emptying one nest, it can give such great impact on the species’ survival?  There is so much to do that we can do to protect them.

So stop eating their eggs, people. Please. It will help so much that when the buying stops, the killing stops.  So if you see somebody that you know eating turtle’s egg, STOP them.  Give them a good lecture about how evil they are and then make it a big deal. If he or she ignores, make a bigger fuss until they were so sick of your drama and nagging that they give up eating it. Make them feel bad until they swear they will never eat their eggs again. It might work? Haha.

If you come across turtles laying eggs, make sure you guard them to avoid poaching of eggs! Ready to get really pissed off when you see someone is about to steal their eggs. Or you saw someone stealing their eggs; report them immediately to the authorities. They won’t get away very far.  Save them sea turtles! :D

Besides turtle, there are so many other animals that we have to protect and save.  The whale, the sharks, the tigers, the dolphins and many many more! Not asking you to be a vegetarian or something, but we can do something to help. Like maybe, instead of drinking shark fins’ soup, we can drink sea cucumber soup maybe? Or handmade shark fin soup. Not as nice but at least we are helping them?
I hope that we can continue to save animals, whether they are getting abused or suffering from extinction.  They really need our help. Let’s be their hero! :D We will feel much better when we do something. Better walk the talk and not just talk the talk. (If that makes any sense)
And I shall end my rant about sea turtles and saving the animals. Exams are coming really soon. Just next week! OMG. I better start studying now. Good luck to everyone out there who are having their exams as well. God bless you (:

See you soon :D

Watch this before you go! :)

P.s- Pictures are taken from google and videos are taken from Youtube.

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