Sunday, May 15, 2011

Of beggars, thief and general cleanliness of Malaysia's streets?

Nowadays, along the street we have seen a lot of beggars roaming or sitting by the road side, begging. It is a common sight in Malaysia. They were dressed in indigent clothing and waiting for someone to help them.  They will eat leftovers from people and wouldn’t mind because they were desperate.  Even children were begging along the streets instead of going to school.  I feel for them.  I was always asking myself on what I should do. Give them money or ignore them?  And if I do give them money, won’t that encourage them to do more begging instead of doing something more useful for a living?

I think that giving them money would do more good than harm.  I mean, because it makes them to beg for more and they will they will think by begging, they can get what they want especially children who begs.  And sometimes the parents of the children would think that it is an easy way out since they can just make money instantly, so why bother to go school? Parents will then tend to train their children on ways to beg effectively. And soon they will target certain type of people to beg, like the tourist for instance.  And soon this will make a new generation of “beggars” and soon this will lead to more crime and we are contributing to it!
But what can we do to help them? We feel bad when we ignore them. Maybe, we can buy food for them and their whole family instead of just giving them money. We can encourage them to go school by giving them stationeries and helped them to look for schools or something.  We can do these little things to help and at least make them feel better.

Well, besides the beggars, snatch thief, pickpocket and even robbers are getting more and more in the streets of Malaysia.  So we should be more careful while walking around the streets. Be more alert of your belongings and maybe try to wear less valuable things as possible rather than just lure the robbers to rob you.  Walk in groups rather than just walk alone. We should also avoid cramped and crowded area. If you bumped or feel some jolts, you should immediately check your belongings. It helps (:

Malaysian street’s general cleanliness needs to improve too.  While walking along the streets here, it is common to see rubbish around and people littering.  People care less about the cleanliness here without realizing that it creates a bad image for our country.  The government should do something about this. Maybe they can enforce the law about littering and probably fine anyone who was caught littering like Singapore. This helps discourage Malaysians to litter.

I guess that’s about it about the negative side of Malaysian’s street.  But despite that, Malaysia’s streets are very interesting. I shall explore all the streets here when I have the time to. It will be an interesting adventure to do so. Till then peeps! Happy Holidays!

P.s_ _Pictures are taken from Google

Streets of the Cat City :)

Hey all! (:

First of all, Happy Holiday guys!

I am so happy that I am back here in Kuching, Sarawak. I missed my friends and my family so much and it is good to be home. I hope that you guys are having great holidays as well. (:

This week’s theme will be about streets of Malaysia. Since I am back here in my home town I shall blog about the streets here! We have our very own little streets here such as the Carpenter Street, Main Bazaar, Gambier Street, India Street and our little China Town. Let’s wonder through the streets shall we?

Let’s start our journey through the main entrance of our Carpenter Street.  It is just opposite the Old Courthouse. It is called the carpenter street, because back then, there were a lot of carpenters setting up their shop here. It is one of the oldest streets in the city so it really an old fashioned street. The shops here are mostly selling non-tourist stuff and offered many services such as bicycle repair shop, furniture, Chinese medicine and many more. They have two little Chinese temple here too which is the Siang Ti Temple and the Hong San Si Temple. They have many “kopitiam” (coffee shops) here and the food is delicious!  Their Sarawak Laksa is a must try food here.

After moving front and passing the Carpenter Street, you will find the Main Bazaar which just located opposite Kuching Waterfront. It is one of the most prominent and happening tourist spot here in Kuching. If you are looking for some unique and interesting souvenirs to bring back home, then this is the right place for you to go! There are many Sarawak traditional arts and craft sold here.  After looking for souvenirs and you are feeling really hungry, go get something to eat at the many food stalls here or dine at some of the popular restaurant here, or you can even catch a movie nearby because the Star Cineplex are just somewhere around the corner. You cannot miss Kuching’s most popular and oldest temple which is the Tua Pek Kong temple and if you want to be more adventurous and would like to discover more of the Chinese here in general, well, the Chinese Museum is just right opposite the Tua Pek Kong’s temple! And not to forget, you can just walk along the pavement and enjoy the fantastic view at Kuching’s Waterfront. 

Then, you can take a stroll along the India Street here. The streets here were obviously occupied by the Indians Shop before but now the shops here are mostly operated by the Chinese. There are many varieties of textiles and clothes to choose from, food, herbs and spices.  It is best to visit this place in the day.  It can be considered as one of the busiest street here in the city.  And you must try the famous food places here like Little Lebanon especially the curry!

So that’s about the streets here in Kuching. It is worth a visit! :D 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

She is an inspiration.


Since today is mother’s day, I will blog about my precious mother in the whole world. No one could ever replace her. But this will be a quick post because I am running out of time. I am feeling really stressed out with both studies and assignment clogging up together at the same time. I really hope that I can like pause the time or something!  Tomorrow is already Monday! Nooooooo….. :(
I guess everyone in class felt the same way, but hang on okay? We can do this! >:| 

                                                   (taken from google)

Everyone should agree that our mother is gifted. She was and still has been there for us, no matter if it’s a happy or sad situation. Always being supportive, always rooting out the best for us and of course always nagging, grounding, minding our business, scolding and many more. My mother can both be my best friend and my worst enemy. All my life, she was always there to be with me going through the phase of life. She gave advice, she nags, she hugs, she laughs, she scolds, and she supports, everything. At times, I do take her for granted and had never really appreciated all the little things she did for me. I sometimes tend to ignore her when she asks for help, I talked back to her, and I get annoyed with all the time when she nags and many more things. But she never complains. She never gave up on me. Instead, continued to do all of that without fail. And now, when I moved to Selangor to study, I missed all of that.  I miss my mummy! And I can’t wait to see her next week when I am going back to Sarawak.

She was one of the strongest women I've ever known. She was really busy all the time, becoming a mother, a housewife, and a dental nurse. She wakes up at 5 a.m or sometimes earlier without fail every day. She then goes down to prepare breakfast for us and wake us all up. She was like our human alarm clock. How I missed that! And I remembered, when I was still in primary school, she will walk me to school every morning and carry my bag to my class. She rushes back from work to school during my recess time, just to accompany me and to make sure I eat something. And after work, she will cook dinner for us, clean the house and washes the clothes. We do have washing machine at home, and we kept insisting her to use it but she refused. She said that, washing machine can easily spoil our clothes, so she used her own bare hands to do the laundry and only use the washing machine to dry the clothes. Imagine, washing the whole family’s pile of clothes for around 1 hour. Who will like that? It is really tiring.  But she never complains. What a mother. :)

Without her, I won’t be able to be where I am today. Thank you for all the support and the sacrificial acts just for us and of course being the best mother in the whole world for me. Thank you mummy. You were such an inspiration. I love you. Happy Mothers Day! <3 

And this song is dedicated to you mummy. 

P.s- Video taken from Youtube.

Sunday Morning

Hey all! :D

I had one of the most memorable night of my life last week! I went to Maroon 5 concert! *screams* , and guess what? I got the ticket for free *scream even louder* I am so lucky to get it for free. My friend, Karmen who got one extra ticket gave it to me. Thank you, thank youuu Karmennn! :D

The concert was...One word... AWESOME. I love Maroon 5 since i was still in secondary school when their famous hit called This Love, She will be loved and one of my favourite one among all, Sunday Morning came out!! I LOVE Sunday Morning! I used to sing to it every night and day! I cannot believe that i am seeing them with my very own eyes! I was really exited about the concert. I can wait to see their lead singer. ADAM LEVINE. Who can resist him?

The concert started at nine. But knowing that there will be a lot of fans that would be queuing up for the line to go in like since 6 a.m in the morning (exaggerating) so we went there extra early as well! Not as early as 6.a.m, but we went there around 7. There was already a long queue when we reached there. Sometimes I wonder what they were doing for the past 14 hours if they really started to queue since 6.a.m. Seriously hard core fans.

So anyways, being their biggest fan too, we went to buy their badges and everything.  I bought two of their badges for 5 bucks. I wanted to get their t-shirt too, but the price was a little bit over the top. It was RM60! :( So I told myself to forget about it. We bought some snacks and drinks and were ready to join the others for the queue. We were really lucky tho, despite the really long queue, because we get to stand really in front of the line just like that! I mean, we didn’t cut queue or anything, but we sort of found out there were another entrance and fortunately, not everyone knew about it.

After waiting for about two hours, we finally get to go in! Woohoo! Karmen’s cousin made a banner just for Maroon 5 but sadly, it wasn’t allowed in. We were really disappointed, because all her hard work went to the drain. And after that, we were inside! It was in the indoor stadium so it is not that hot inside. Thank God.

We waited for quite a while for them to come out.  We were getting impatient when suddenly their song Misery started playing. The crowd went wild! Can’t believe it, we finally get to see Adam Levine. His voice was just so good even though he sang it live. Their concert lasted about one and a half hour back to back. The last song that they sang was Sunday Morning! I was so happy! I was singing along with them the whole time.

The concert finally ended awesomely. It was really a tiring night but it was all worth it. I will be looking forward to their next concert if they are ever coming again! 

Okay, thats all for this post. See you soon :D

Watch this before you go okay? :) Just to lighten up the mood :D

P.S- Video taken from Youtube

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Be their heroes! Save them :)

Second post of the day!

How many of you had eaten turtle eggs illegally before? Does it taste nice? To those of you who had taken turtle eggs before and wish to eat it again, STOP. Stop killing them.  According to WWF , Malaysia, about 422 000 eggs were traded in Terengganu in 2007 which was two times higher than the number of green turtle nestings in this state.  It is a shame. People have no shame of eating as much as they want without thinking that turtles’ population is decreasing. They don’t mind paying high amounts for the eggs just to satisfy their selfish cravings.

I cannot imagine how many turtles eggs were left in Malaysia alone. I don’t want them to extinct.  I am so sad and angry when I heard some of my friends were eating them. They kept telling me it was so nice that they had to get more. Sigh, so evil. Do you know that turtles were so close to extinction that by just emptying one nest, it can give such great impact on the species’ survival?  There is so much to do that we can do to protect them.

So stop eating their eggs, people. Please. It will help so much that when the buying stops, the killing stops.  So if you see somebody that you know eating turtle’s egg, STOP them.  Give them a good lecture about how evil they are and then make it a big deal. If he or she ignores, make a bigger fuss until they were so sick of your drama and nagging that they give up eating it. Make them feel bad until they swear they will never eat their eggs again. It might work? Haha.

If you come across turtles laying eggs, make sure you guard them to avoid poaching of eggs! Ready to get really pissed off when you see someone is about to steal their eggs. Or you saw someone stealing their eggs; report them immediately to the authorities. They won’t get away very far.  Save them sea turtles! :D

Besides turtle, there are so many other animals that we have to protect and save.  The whale, the sharks, the tigers, the dolphins and many many more! Not asking you to be a vegetarian or something, but we can do something to help. Like maybe, instead of drinking shark fins’ soup, we can drink sea cucumber soup maybe? Or handmade shark fin soup. Not as nice but at least we are helping them?
I hope that we can continue to save animals, whether they are getting abused or suffering from extinction.  They really need our help. Let’s be their hero! :D We will feel much better when we do something. Better walk the talk and not just talk the talk. (If that makes any sense)
And I shall end my rant about sea turtles and saving the animals. Exams are coming really soon. Just next week! OMG. I better start studying now. Good luck to everyone out there who are having their exams as well. God bless you (:

See you soon :D

Watch this before you go! :)

P.s- Pictures are taken from google and videos are taken from Youtube.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Say NO to animal abuse! >:)

Hey everybody!

This week’s theme will be about animal rights. I am excited to write about this topic because I am an animal lover. I care for them.  Not like an animal freak or something, but I really do love them and they did not deserve to be treated like how humans are treating them now.  It is unfair for them because they have no power to defend themselves. Powerless. Some of them are still fighting to be remain in this world, but sadly, some extinct already. 

Now, many people do realize this. But what do they do? NOTHING.  They were pointing fingers at each other so they will not take the responsibility. But thank God! Some organizations were there to help those poor animals. Organizations like WWF (World Wildlife Fund), SSPCA (Sarawak Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and many more. They are trying their best to fight their rights for the animals.
Nowadays, I bet all of you have heard about the cruelty of animals. We’ve seen people caging up their pets, torturing them just for the fun of it, fashion, neglect them, mistreated and abandoned them. UNFAIR.  Sometimes I do question myself. Do they even have feelings?!  Like what were they thinking man?  These animals never did anything to harm them. They were innocent! What if, some aliens were about to invade our world and keeps us humans as pets, and do you want to be treated like that? NO WAY.  ):<

I’ve had a friend.  He was given a puppy by his friends for his birthday.  He was delighted and happy about his new pet.  But he was a busy guy. He was always busy with his friends, sports, studies and many more.  For the first few days, he was so keen about his pet. He feed his pet on time, always refilling his water from drying up, walk him, bathe it and played with it. The puppy was treated like a king.  But several weeks later, he got bored of his puppy.  He started to neglect his puppy. He forgot to feed him, bathe him or even refilling his water. Poor puppy began to cry and was stuck in the cage. He was cold, hungry and thirsty. Now, when a puppy cry obviously something could be wrong. It could be sick or wants something. He needed your attention. DUH. Babies cry when they needed something. No need a vet to tell you.  But my so called friend was annoyed by it. He hit him, cursed him and sometimes ignored the poor puppy.  And what could the poor puppy do? He couldn’t talk, he couldn’t escape, he just, well stuck in cage and counting his last few days. For God’s sake, this puppy were still a few month old! But my friend’s roommate noticed this. He knows that this is a sign of abusing the poor puppy. So one day, he decided to report him to the SSPCA.  He gave the puppy food and water and brought him to the vet. The puppy was injured and he was too weak to do anything.  Everyone was so sad to hear about the news. And my friend finally came to his senses and felt guilty. But he was too late! He was fined and were punished by the law of animal’s right.  Serve him right! He was being inhuman. Crazy! :S

So I hope humans will stop to be someone like him. Not a major animal abuse thing, but still, it was horrible. And the poor pet suffered the painful consequence for nothing.  If you considered about adopting or buying a pet, please, please make sure that you are responsible enough to take good care of them. Give them unconditional love and care. Treat them with a little bit of respect. Treat them like your babies! (:
And if you came across to someone like my inhuman friend, please do not hesitate do report them to the authorities!

I guess that is all for this post. Stay tuned for the 2nd one! :D And say NO to abusing animal rights!

Before i end this, i would to share this video with you.  I hope after watching this, we can do something about it. Thats all. See you (:

P.s- Pictures are taken from google and videos are taken from YouTube. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Damai Beach Resort and Spa.

Hello again! :D Have you ever felt so stressed out and tired from your busy life that you just need a break? Going to the beach will be one of the best ideas to do so. Why not? There are so many pleasures of going to the beach. Okay, close your eyes and imagine this. You are now walking by the beach on the soft sand, you can hear the sound of the waves roaring their way, and you can see the beautiful sunset and the feel the coldness of the salty sea water and enjoying the breath of the fresh air? Ahhh, how calm and breathtaking!

Okay, so now I am going to boast about one of the best beaches in Malaysia which is Damai Beach! It is situated in Kuching, Sarawak. ( My hometown! :D)I miss going to Damai so much! I remembered that every end of the year, after our exams, my friends and I will always plan to go to the beach to release our school’s stress. We were always exited and looking forward towards it. There are so many things to do there!

The first thing we do after we set foot in Damai is dumping our bags in our room, quickly get ready and run towards the beach. So much fun! Once we reach the beach, we will play and splash each other with the sea water. Then, we will take tons and tons of pictures which will then flooded up the whole Facebook album. And after that, we will play volleyball till we get tired. But then, we still can’t get enough of the beach so we decided to swim in the pool till we were fatigue and our energy level were zero. But anyways, besides the pools and the beach, Damai had so many other facilities such as spa, water sports such as banana boat, kayaks, bay fishing and many more, 2 tennis court, gym, kids village with daily organized activities, golf, BBQ pit and a lot more! Unbelievable! They have so much to offer!

And if you were hungry and you are searching fresh seafood to dig in, you can drive up to one of the popular seafood spot in Kuching which is about only ten minute drive from Damai? The food there is as fresh as it gets which is obviously straight from the sea. Lim Hock Ann seafood is the most longest and popular one in Buntal. There is a lot of seafood available there such as crabs, prawns, lobsters, squid and oyster! Their place is also special as it can get due to their seat arrangements. They have this special corner where they built platform above the sea. Imagine the waves lapping below your feet while you were eating. How awesome is that? :D And one of the best dishes there would be the Butter Prawn. It is a pure caramelized butter, so basically it tasted like heaven once they enter your mouth. Yummeeh! :D

Okay, so I talked about the place and the facilities. Now it’s time to show you a little bit more pictures of my friends and I during Damai last year.

I am so going back to Damai once i return to my hometown during mid-term break! And you can consider visiting Damai. It is worth your experience there. No regrets! I am going to stop typing now. Goodnight everyone and have a good sleep! See you tomorrow! :)